source# 3

 This article was about how south carolina has banned all illegal immgrants from all its four-year universities.
It talked about how georiga does not want illegal immgrants to attend ant collage at all. It also talked about how the arugument run in two different ways. Some people feel like immgrants should not be penalized for their families chose to move to the united states on the other hand people feel that it is not right for an illegal immgrant to take a seat from a united states citzen. This was what our article was about.

Central arugment -
The central arugmentt of this is that laws have been passed to keep illegal immgrants from geting an higher education and how people feel about them gaining and higher education.


" South Carolina has banned all illegal immgrants from all its four-year universities. Alabama has closed the door on illegal immgrants who want to enroll in its two-year institutions" This supports the central arugment because its the law that was passed and is to be followed and this shows that immgrants are not welcomed or not allowed in to the collges or the universities.

" One one hand we hear that it's unfair to penalize teens who had no control over their family decisions to come to the united states , folks say illegal is illegal, amd those people should not be rewarded with the right to take away a university seat from a citizen or legal resident or vistor". This supports the centeral arugment because it shows how people feel about illegal immgrants gaining higher education.

Ethos- The law makers relates to ethos because they have ceriditability.

Pathos- " Folks say illegal is illegal, and those people should not be rewarded with the right to take away a university seat from a citizen or lrgal resident". This is pathos because people are showing emotion about illegal immgrants in the collages.

Logos- " A bill will be introduced this session that says no illegals in any public schools. This relates to logos because its a fact.