Thursday, January 26, 2012

ch 3

Why haven't fast food workers unionized and what tactics have management used to defeat union efforts?

I feel like fast foos workers have not unionized simply because they are scared. I feel like many of them can not afford to lose there job so they take a backseat and follow all the rules. They fear that if they try and start a union that they will be threown out of there company and never asked to return. I think that managements uses the tactics of fear and just making it very hard to get a union started. I have heard that its certain laws that need to be passed in order to form a union so now only does management make it hard but also the government makes it hard. I just feel like people are installed with fears and like no one will ever step up at the risk of losing 7.25 dollars and hour.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

ch 2

Discuss the fast food industry's marketing to children and explore the ethics of targeting children, especially as they relate to advertising in schools. To thoroughly address this prompt your response will need to be at least a paragraph long.

I feel that fast food marketing to children is wrong. I feel like kids dont have a clear understanding of what they are puting into their bodies. I feel like fast food place bribe little kids into wanting to eat the mess they call food by advertising toys, mascots and of course the play grounds. i feel like its not right because of course love of the toys and stuff so of course they are going to chose to eat fast food. I also feel like some parents make it no better because they give the kids whatever they want and them as parent should no what they put in their food and why is not healty for ones body.
Although i feel like advertising in schools is wrong i feel like it is a very smart idea because school is a must for every child. I also feel it is smart because you catch the kid when he or she is not with the parent. then the child goes home and fources the parent into buying them what they want. I feel like advertising to children is just wrong they can hardly think for them safe, there minds are still growing up so they do not have a clear idea of what they want or what they need.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ch1 of Fast Food nation.

Intro: How is the 'American world view' embodied in the fast food industry?

I think that americas world wide view is embodied in the fast food industry because they see that one thing is good or was good they want to bring it all over america. I feel that there is also a lot of power involed in the ongoing of all the best fast food places in america. 

Chapter 1: What elements of Southern California "culture" contributed to and encouraged the development of fast food restaurants?

I think the elements that contributed to and encourage the development of fast food were the people and the advertesing market. I feel like fast food would be nothing with out the people who eat and support the restaurants, and the people who get paid to advertise them.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Citation Terminolgy voc words

Citation- A quotation or reference to another work (book, paper), from another author included as a reliable source within yours. Citation is used to avoid plagiarism and to make it possible for readers to easily find the sources you used in your work.
MLA Format- A style of writing that provides writers with a way for citing their sources. The format helps build an author’s credibility and protect writers from plagiarism.
Works cited Page- Last page in your paper. The page should list the sources you used in your paper in alphabetical order, their publication date and location.  This allows for an easy location of the sources used.
Annotated Bibliography-  A list of the research that has been done. The list should be presented in alphabetical order and include a brief summary or annotation. The list serves as an evaluation of each source.
Quoting- To copy a group of words exactly as they appear in another text or speech. Quoting serves the purpose of letting know the reader that that piece of text is not yours and allows the author to provide evidence for a statement or argument.
Paraphrasing- To take someone else’s words and express the same meaning in your own. This helps clarify the message of the other author, but does not restate the message word for word.
Summarizing- To take the main points/ ideas of a text and put them into your own words.  A summary is considerably shorter than the actual text being used as a reference but should still attribute the summarized ideas to the original author.
Plagiarism- Form of stealing in which you take someone else’s words and present them as your own.  Plagiarism often leads to legal repercussions.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

source #1 Huddled Masses, Turned Away

Huddled Masses, Turned Away
  • Summary:
This article explains that deportations are reaching historic levels. This also shows how corrupt and damaged this system has become. The author incorporates personal experiences that show that this is becoming a crisis that is turning our society into a divided one.
  • Central Argument:
The article revolves around the fact that our immigration system has become more and more corrupt. The author is stating the obvious by saying that our views of immigrants have not really changed from years ago. Although before we would appreciate them coming to this country.
  • Assertion:

  “Though it has assured Congress that it concentrates on those who pose a danger to public safety, the agency often deports immigrants guilty only of technical violation of the immigration laws”
  • This assertion strengthens the claim made by Morgenthau because it validates his claim that today immigration policies are being administered in the wrong way.
 “Our restrictive immigration laws are bad enough­---separating families, sending refugees like Haitians back to devastated countries, denying jobs to foreign students---but how they are administered is even worse”
  • This assertion strengthens the claim made by Morgenthau because it supports his argument that these policies are ludicrous, sometimes even leading to the denying of civil rights to immigrants being imprisoned in detention facilities.

Friday, November 18, 2011

source 2 - critics see 'chilling affect' in Alabma immigration law

 Briefly (2-3 sentences) summarize the article.

The article was about how the immgration law wants to make immgrants life as hard as possible. It was about how they want to pass laws to keep immgrants out of the school sysytem. the kicks part of this is that they want it to be all shady. They are lieing to people saying that immgrants can go to school but really they do not want immgrant children apart of our school system.

Explain the passage's CENTRAL ARGUMENT. What claims does the author make?

 The central argument is " The champions of alabama's far- reaching immgration law have said that it is in intended to drive illegal immigrants from the state by making every aspect of their life diffcult.But they have taken a very diferent tone when it comes to the part of the law concerning schools" the claim is that they are
saying something differnet about the schools. But is it the truth? that is the big question that the article is focusing on.

Find TWO ASSERTIONS that support the central argument. Explain how each assertion contributes to the author's main argument.
  • " It is ,however , a first step in a larger and long- considerd strategy to topple a 29-year-old supreme court ruling that all children in the united states, regardless of their immigration status, are guaranteed a public education. It supports his claim because it shows that the issue has not just started but it has been going on for a very long time. It shows how the issue has been out in the open before but now it is trying to be covered up.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ethos- this relates to pathos because The president has credibility because he was choosen by the people.

Pathos- this relates to pathos because of the emtion beiging showen by the womans tears.

logos-  This relates to logos because its all about facts.